10 Biggest Emotional Turnoffs For Gemini

1. Insincerity

A Gemini's brutal honesty might backfire on them at times. 


2. Flakiness

Geminis trusts others to keep their word when they say they'll call them back. This is despite the fact that they've likely had several bad encounters in which this promise went unfulfilled. 


3. Snobbery

Snobs, especially those who look down on people who are less privileged, less beautiful, or who have had a rougher life than the snob, are deeply offensive to Gemini. 


4. Hypocrisy

But it goes even deeper than that; the desire to constantly lecture others on their mistakes is an indication that one isn't confident in their own abilities. 


5. Greed

There's nothing wrong with prioritizing one's own comfort, provided that doing so doesn't make others less at ease. 


Geminis know that Earth has few resources, therefore they only take what they need and consider hoarding to be impolite and tasteless. 


6. Shallowness

People who base their evaluation of others solely on superficial characteristics like their riches, fame, or physical appearance are highly disliked by Gemini. 


7. Predatoriness

Awkward as the term "predatoriness may be, there is no more beautiful or straightforward noun in the English language to describe.


8. Cruelty

Being frightened of potential predators goes hand in hand with this. Geminis, one of the more empathetic signs, can't stand it when others revel in the pain of others. 


9. Conformity

Geminis are known for being friendly and gregarious, but they don't like it when others blindly follow the herd, no matter how far it may lead them to disaster.


10. Self-Pity

The universe is conspiring against you just makes a terrible situation more irritating and frustrating. 


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