4 quick plant-based snacks a vegan dietitian swears by

Hummus and veggies: A classic snack that is both tasty and nutritious. Simply dip your favorite veggies in hummus for a satisfying snack.

Roasted chickpeas: A crunchy and protein-packed snack that is easy to make. Simply roast chickpeas with your favorite spices for a delicious snack.

Fruit and nut butter: A sweet and satisfying snack that is perfect for when you need a quick energy boost. Simply spread your favorite nut butter on a piece of fruit for a delicious snack.

Kale chips: A healthy and crunchy snack that is perfect for when you're craving something salty. Simply bake kale with your favorite spices for a delicious snack.

All of these snacks are plant-based and vegan-friendly, making them perfect for anyone following a plant-based diet.

These snacks are also easy to make and perfect for when you need a quick and nutritious bite.

Hummus and veggies are a great source of fiber and protein, making them a filling and satisfying snack.

Roasted chickpeas are a great source of protein and fiber, making them a healthy and filling snack.

Fruit and nut butter are a great source of healthy fats and protein, making them a great snack for when you need a quick energy boost.

Kale chips are a great source of vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy and nutritious snack option.

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