4 Zodiacs Who Need A Pep Talk This Weekend

1. Cancer

It's okay to feel sad or angry. You know you're generally the most emotional and caring person in the room.


You tell yourself this is a talent, but sometimes it's hard to believe. People will tell you that your feelings are annoying or too much. 


You should just "suck it up" and "get over it." First of all, you shouldn't hang out with guys like that.


2. Leo

You like it when things don't change. You get used to the way you live, even if it doesn't suit you, so the thought of making a change makes you nervous. 


Even though it would be nice if everything in your life was perfect right now, there are things that aren't doing you any good.


Even though change can be scary, you can't keep living with these little signs of being unhappy. 


3. Libra

You'll analyze, over-analyze, and super-ultra-over-analyze every text message you send to that one person.


All this worry wears me out. Worse still, it's likely that the person on the other end of these texts isn't giving it nearly as much thought as you are. 


Let yourself take it easy this weekend. Send the text or don't, but don't take more time than it takes to type a quick reply. 


4. Capricorn

You work very hard and do great things, but you already know that. 


So much of your value depends on how hard you work that it's always on your mind. 


You'll just find out what the rest of us already know about you. You are a loving friend, a funny person to talk to, and a nice person to be around. 


The 5 Zodiacs With The Best Personalities