6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Spinach Low in calories and high in fiber, leafy greens like spinach can help you feel fuller and reduce calorie intake.

Eggs Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats, making them filling and appetite-reducing.

Greek yogurt Greek yogurt is rich in gut-healthy bacteria and protein, which keeps you full and aids weight reduction.

Raspberries Consuming raspberries is low in calories and high in fiber. One cup of raspberries has 64 calories and 8 grams of fiber, 29% of your DV. 

Pistachios Pistachios can help you feel full, resulting in eating less at one sitting and being less hungry.

Almonds For weight reduction, include almonds in your diet, whether you eat them alone or spread a spoonful on toast. 

What to Eat to Lose Weight