Amazing Superfoods for Gut Health: Bloated to Bloomin'

John Fenster

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In addition to antioxidants and nutrients like folate, vitamin K and vitamin E, asparagus spears provide ample prebiotic fiber for feeding beneficial microbes.


 The fiber promotes populations of good gut bacteria that release beneficial short chain fatty acids guarding against disease. 


Garlic contains antimicrobial, antibacterial allicin substances providing an array of health perks alongside prebiotic fibers like inulin that directly nourish good gut bacteria. 


Animal studies show equivalent effectiveness as antibiotics against some pathogenic gut bacteria without harming populations of beneficial microbes.


Onions packs anti-inflammatory, antibacterial quercetin that stimulates digestive enzyme production for better breakdown of foods.

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The prebiotic fibers inulin and fructooligosaccharides present feed probiotics that flourish and diversify gut microflora for improved digestion, immunity and beyond.

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Bone Broth

Bone broth made by simmering bones from fish, chicken or beef slowly contains amino acids like glycine and cartilage-supporting gelatin that heal damaged guts. 

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Bone Broth

This enhances integrity of digestive tract linings for improved nutrient absorption.

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Papaya contains an enzyme called papainthat has anti-inflammatory effects helpful for calming gastrointestinal issues without damaging gut lining according to research. 

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Papaya also provides vitamins C, E and A with antioxidants to heal damaged intestines.

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