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Best Carbs for Weight Loss and Energy

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Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Peas, a legume, provide non-dairy protein to develop lean muscle. They aid weight loss, heart health, and blood sugar regulation.

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They also include powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may lower the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. 

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Many low-carb dieters avoid beets because they have the most sugar, but that's a mistake given their nutritional worth.

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Beets improve stamina, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, protect against cancer, and aid in detoxifying. 

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Low-carb diets avoid citrus fruits due to their high sugar content, but they miss out on many nutritional benefits. 

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Due to their vitamin C and antioxidant content, oranges are one of the healthiest foods.

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Due to their high carbohydrate content, parsnips are starchy vegetables, but they also include vitamins, fiber, and minerals, making them suitable for weight loss. 

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Pistachios are known for their fat content, but their carbohydrate concentration surprises most people. 

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These tasty nuts have 691 calories, 56 grams of fat, 13 grams of fiber, and 34 grams of carbs per cup. 

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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