Clean Eating High-Energy Breakfast Recipes

Protein Pancakes: Protein pancakes with hummus or peanut butter are great. These savory pancakes are tasty and portable.

 Zucchini Fritters: A dish with a lemon wedge holds completed Zucchini Fritters. The top fitter is sauced.

Savory Oatmeal: Clean Eating Savory Oatmeal is on a dark backdrop. Sautéed mushrooms look golden in the oats.

Waffle Iron Omelets: Prepare a batch on the weekend and freeze them for quick toaster omelets. 

Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins: Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins include fiber and healthful cranberries. They suit morning coffee and travel well.

Spaghetti Eggs: If you like ketchup-topped eggs, these Spaghetti Eggs will elevate breakfast.

Oatmeal Recipes For A Delicious Morning