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Consumables That Promote Weight Loss

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By Robert J. matthews

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Nuts are a good way to get protein, fiber, and fat.

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Nuts are full of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and vitamin E, and have a lot of good fats, such as omega-6 and 3.

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Many beans, like black and kidney beans, are full of nutrients and vitamins and high in protein.

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When you eat beans, your heart health gets better and your risk of cancer and diabetes goes down. 

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You can find a lot of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and B6 in potatoes. 

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Minerals and the fact that potatoes don't have cholesterol help keep your heart healthy. 

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Brown Rice

A lot of fiber is found in brown rice. It lowers cholesterol and makes your digestive system work better. 

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Brown rice has fiber in it that keeps blood from clotting and makes you feel fuller.

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