Discovering Superfoods' Weight Loss Power

By John Fenster

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Mushrooms are low in calories but provide a good amount vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like selenium, potassium, and vitamin D. 

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Preliminary studies show improved markers of weight loss in those that eat mushrooms, likely due to their potential to curb inflammation and balance blood sugar levels. 

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Squash like acorn and butternut squash make great lower calorie substitute for higher carb vegetables.

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Beyond low calories, they are high in antioxidants like alpha and beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin A to reduce inflammation. 

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Grapefruit is low in calories and high in water content. It provides satiating fiber alongside high levels of immunity-boosting vitamin C. 

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Compounds in grapefruit may have potential to influence insulin levels, aiding weight regulation according to some preliminary studies. 

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Peppers All types of bell peppers and chili peppers contain beneficial compounds called capsaicinoids that give them a spicy kick. 

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These help boost small calorie burn by improving carbohydrate metabolism and fat breakdown. 

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Broccoli is high fiber and contains compounds that may help enhance fat loss and prevent weight gain, especially around the midsection. 

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The calcium influences enzyme function related to fat metabolism too. It packs immense nutrition for minimal calories.

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