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Eat Smart, Lose Weight: Delicious Foods for Slimmer You

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Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Plain water offers numerous slim down benefits, from flushing out bloat-causing sodium to regulating blood sugars and promoting fat metabolism. 

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When aiming for healthy vegan weight loss, choose still or sparkling waters instead of high calorie dairy milks or sugar-filled juices and sodas which pile on pounds.

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Don’t fear healthy fats from whole foods like avocados for easier vegan weight loss. 

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Though high in calories, the monounsaturated fats, fiber and phytochemicals in just half an average avocado help control appetite hormones.

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It becomes especially important to incorporate diverse plant-based protein sources for satisfying muscle maintenance and metabolism-firing amino acids. 

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Nutrient-dense whole grains like quinoa, amaranth and teff offer some of the few complete protein vegan foods ideal for supporting weight loss. 

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Several compounds present in almonds like catechins value-chain aliphatic acids, phytosterols and polyphenols possess anti-obesity effects, making almonds one of the best nuts for vegan weight loss. 

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Vibrant beet salads tossed with apple cider vinegar pack a tasty one-two-punch for promoting healthy vegan weight loss.

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Beets contain plant nutrients called betalains linked to detoxification, controlling obesity and inflammation in early research. 

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Green Leaf

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