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End Belly Bloat: The Ultimate Guide to Flat-Belly Foods

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Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Cinnamon The distinctive earthy spice stabilizes blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity, which lowers fat storage around the belly in research projects. 

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Sprinkling it over yogurt or oats turbocharges their belly fat fighting abilities.

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Turmeric Curcumin is the bright yellow antioxidant compound in turmeric lowering inflammation in bellies by reducing cytokine production.

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Early findings also show potential for other weight loss benefits of daily turmeric.

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Eggs Providing protein and essential nutrients, eating whole eggs enhances weight loss.

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The choline even improves how well your body assimilates belly blasting fat.

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Tofu Full of protein, calcium, manganese and phytoestrogens, tofu makes an excellent alternative to fatty meats.

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Studies confirm improved weight loss results and smaller waists in people eating higher soy amounts including tofu.

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Filling fiber called beta-glucan makes oats an exceptional belly fat buster as it forms a gel that lowers fat absorbing enzymes and delays stomach emptying to curb appetite longer. 

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Steel cut and old fashioned oats retain the most gelling power.

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Green Leaf

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