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Exploring Nature's Digestive Secrets: Superfood Benefits

Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Walnuts offer protein alongside magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, B vitamins and vitamin E - all protecting blood vessels.

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Among nuts, walnuts contain high levels of ALA omega-3 fats critical for brain health and regulating inflammation according to data. 

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Tomatoes are rich in beneficial carotenoids like lycopene shown through studies to reduce risk of certain prostate, lung, stomach.

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Pancreatic cancers likely by fighting cell damage from free radicals and inflammation - two precursors to disease. 

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Green Tea 

Green Tea Abundant antioxidants called polyphenols within green tea including EGCG destroy destructive free radicals implicated in brain decline.

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Catechins also boost calorie burn while improving fat breakdown and insulin sensitivity.

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Yogurt provides protein essential for building and repairing muscle tissues regularly subjected to strain while working out. 

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The probiotics populate your gut with beneficial microbes tied to whole body health through balanced digestion and immunity. 

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Pomegranates contain a polyphenol called punicalagin giving the ruby fruits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits demonstrated in trials.

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Significant data highlights reduced blood pressure, eased inflammation within arterial walls that contributes to plaque progression and prevention damaging.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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