Foods That Could Help You Sleep Better

Researchers have found that a Mediterranean diet can help you sleep better and lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. 

1. Mediterranean diet

The subjects slept better the more closely they followed the rules of a Mediterranean menu.

Mediterranean diet

People who can't handle dairy or don't want to eat it can get a lot of calcium from canned sardines.

2. Canned sardines

Or, vegans can get calcium from plant milks, nuts, and green veggies that have been added to.

Canned sardines

A banana has about 375mg of potassium, which is almost a fifth of the daily recommended amount. 

3. Bananas

Low B6 levels can stop the brain from making serotonin, a chemical that makes you feel calm. This can make it hard to sleep.


Brazil nuts are full of magnesium, which can raise amounts of the hormone melatonin, which helps you sleep, and relax your muscles. 

4. Brazil nuts

Studies have shown that taking magnesium tablets can help people who have trouble sleeping because their blood doesn't have enough magnesium.

Brazil nuts

Almonds are also a good source of magnesium, and they have been shown to help people fall asleep. 

5. Almonds

In one study, the number of students who said they couldn't sleep went down by 10% after they ate 10 nuts every day for 14 days.


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