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Healthy Foods That Help You Lose Weight And Burn Fat

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Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Does it matter? It has many benefits for your body to aid in fat burning and weight loss! 

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Tomatoes' beta-carotene and lycopene aid fat loss. Eating beta-carotene and lycopene-rich diets reduces waist size and belly fat.

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Grapefruit to your shopping list. Grapefruit does promote weight loss.

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Eating grapefruit for six weeks led to a one-inch reduction in waistlines.

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No need for tasteless food while losing weight. Try new seasonings from different cultures now. 

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Some have thermogenic properties that boost metabolism and enhance the taste of average dishes.

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Hot Peppers

Exciting news for those who enjoy hot food! Hot peppers aid weight loss and add flavor to food. 

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Cinnamon is powerful. Not just for baking now. Adding cinnamon to your diet can aid in weight loss. 

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