8 Best High-Protein Lunch Ideas for Weight Loss

Low-calorie, high-protein sandwich: Sandwiches are a simple, filling meal that covers all food categories. They're delicious when done perfectly.

Tuna lettuce wraps:  Tuna and white bean lettuce wraps are her favorite weight-loss high-protein meal.  Proteins in this dish are assessed at 30 grams.

Bean Salad: soaking beans overnight in water starts the sprouting process, which can lower anti-nutrient levels by 66%.

Quinoa bowl: Not only is the combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates filling and tasty, but it's also good for your overall health.

Greek yogurt parfait: Greek yogurt parfaits are tasty and easy to make for a quick lunch or on-the-go source of protein.

Tuna Salad Sandwich: This delicious lunch has 25 grams of protein and healthy fats.

Lentil Soup: Lentils are a great source of plant-based protein, with 18 grams per serving.

Protein Shake: Each chocolate macadamia or creamy vanilla smoothie has 27 grams of protein. Bananas, berries, vegetables, and nut butter offer protein.

Flavorful Low-Carb Lunches in No Time