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Ideal Carb Foods for Weight Loss and Energy

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Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Amaranth is a gluten-free grain with fiber and protein. One cup has 251 calories, 46g carbs, 5g fiber, and 9g protein.

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 Amaranth can reduce inflammation, aid fitness goals, support bone health, lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and fight diabetes. 

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Mangos are nutritious with 25g of carbs per serving.

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They give you all the vitamin C you need for the day, which helps remove toxins and support important body functions.

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Pineapple has bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme that aids in weight loss.

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Bromelain can help with obesity by reducing certain proteins involved in fat synthesis. 

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Black Beans

Black beans are high in fiber and protein, which can help you feel full and support lean muscle mass. 

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Black beans and brown rice together form a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids. Found in animal products. 

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Green Leaf

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