Online Dating Is Terrible For 4 Zodiac Signs

Virgo, you may want to treat internet dating like anything else: with all your concentration and careful screening. 

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This will help you spot red flags and narrow your choices, but you may be too analytical. 

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Scorpio, you like close relationships. You're comfortable exposing your true self on a first date, but a dating profile in a few phrases can be intimidating.

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Dating app messages aren't the best place to get to know someone, and it might be awkward and disrespectful to go right to the point. 

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Capricorns may find internet dating complicated. You prefer committed partners and want to be yourself with them.

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Finding someone who shares your values and ambitions online is difficult. 

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Cancerians value emotional connection. You can discover that online, but you may burn out before you get there. 

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You may feel that you'll never discover your perfect mate after being ghosted or slogging through the same get-to-know-you talks. 

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