Start Weight Control Today with These Powerful Superfoods

By John Fenster

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Garlic contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial allicin compounds that support immune function and overall health.

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The effects seem associated with enhancing insulin sensitivity and healthy gut flora tied to balanced weight.

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Cocoa and cacao contain flavanols that help improve insulin sensitivity, protect cells against damage by free radicals, and boost blood flow. 

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Through these mechanisms, some research indicates dark chocolate influences metabolism beneficially.

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Tomatoes are packed with immunity-enhancing vitamin C, potassium, folate and powerful antioxidants like lycopene which helps lower inflammation.

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The nutrients work to decrease visceral belly fat storage when eaten daily, especially when paired with olive oil!

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Lentils Protein-rich 

Lentils Protein-rich lentils provide satiating fiber, nutrients, and resistant starch to balance blood sugar levels. 

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Water Many overlook plain water as a useful weight loss aid. But proper everyday hydration minimizes water retention and bloating for a slimmer appearance.

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