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Superfood Secrets to Flatten Abs

Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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Nuts Pistachios, walnuts and almonds all contain belly fat burning chemicals like phenols, lipids and phytosterols according to studies. 

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Their fiber and healthy fats aid weight loss. But limit portions, as nuts are high calorie.

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Green Tea 

Green Tea Catechins like EGCG in green tea not only calm inflammation but increase calories and fat burned over 24 hours by speeding up metabolism. 

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Adding fresh mint enhances digestion further making it a tasty belly fat burner.

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Leafy Greens 

Leafy Greens Virtually zero in calories and carbs, leafy greens like kale, spinach.

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Swiss chard provide antioxidants to fight inflammation along with fiber to aid digestion, curb appetite and fill up on less.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar delays stomach emptying and increases satiety after eating according to research. 

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Scientists think ACV may also influence fat burning enzymes and hormones related to belly fat.

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Bananas contain prebiotics shown to improve gut health and influence weight. 

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The resistant starch also helps you feel full and causes your liver to absorb less fat according to studies.

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Green Leaf

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