The Best Mobility Exercises for All Kinds of Workouts

Tilted Brush Stroke

1. Hip Circles

Position yourself with your feet at shoulder width. Place your hands on your hips and gently initiate a circular motion with your hips. 

Tilted Brush Stroke

This exercise contributes to enhancing hip mobility and can be advantageous for movements like squats and lunges.

Tilted Brush Stroke

2. Arm Swings

Extend your arms outward to either side. Execute controlled forward and backward swinging motions with your arms. 

Tilted Brush Stroke

This exercise effectively warms up the shoulder joints and holds value for upper body workout routines.

Tilted Brush Stroke

3. Cat-Cow Stretch

Commence in a tabletop position, balanced on your hands and knees. As you inhale, create a gentle arch in your back resembling a cow's pose. 

Tilted Brush Stroke

This exercise fosters flexibility in the spine and is commonly integrated into yoga practices and general warm-ups.

Tilted Brush Stroke

4. Lunge with Rotation

Take a step into a lunge stance, then rotate your torso toward the leading knee while extending your arms.

Tilted Brush Stroke

This combination of movements significantly enhances mobility in both the hips and thoracic spine, which proves beneficial for diverse workout regimens.

Tilted Brush Stroke

5. Deep Squat Hold

Transition into a deep squat, ensuring your heels remain grounded. Employ your elbows to gently push your knees apart. 

Tilted Brush Stroke

This exercise contributes to the refinement of ankle, hip, and groin mobility, proving advantageous for exercises involving the lower body.

Tilted Brush Stroke

6. Thoracic Extension with Foam Roller

Lie on your back and place a foam roller horizontally under your upper back. 

Tilted Brush Stroke

This exercise has a targeted effect on the mobility of the thoracic spine and serves as a valuable complement to workouts involving overhead movements.

Tilted Brush Stroke

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