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The Gut Health Benefits Of A Mediterranean Diet

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By John Fenster

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What is the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is all the food that people in countries like Spain, Italy, Greece, and Turkey eat when they are near the Mediterranean Sea.

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The Mediterranean diet includes a lot of plant-based foods like nuts, fruits, veggies, and whole-grain cereals, as well as fish and chicken.

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Mediterranean diet and gut health

The Mediterranean diet can be good for your gut health in many ways, such as lowering your risk of bowel cancer and feeding the good bacteria that live in your gut.

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Because it is high in fiber, a Mediterranean diet can help your gut health in the main way. Britons should eat 30g of fiber every day, but most of us are only eating 18g.

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Other health benefits of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is good for your gut health, but it can also help with a number of other health problems.

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If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes, it can lower your risk of heart disease because it lowers your risk of those conditions as well.

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How to follow the Mediterranean diet

Do not worry if you are new to the Mediterranean diet. It's likely that you only need to change a few things about what you're eating to follow the die.

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fruits and vegetables

Eat at least five 80-gram servings of fruits and veggies every day. These are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

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