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The Untold Secrets of Superfoods: Unlocking a Flat Belly Naturally

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By John Fenster

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Olive Oil

Monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil not only protect your heart but lower levels of obesity-promoting proteins.

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Quinoa's complete protein reduces fat absorption during digestion while the hearty whole grain provides magnesium.

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Shown to aid enzyme function and blood sugar control that optimizes your ability to burn abdominal fat.

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Garlic Diallyl sulphides found in garlic improve insulin function and burn belly fat.

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Allicin also exhibits antibacterial effects that may influence weight by enhancing healthy gut flora according to researchers.

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Chia Seeds

Tiny chia seeds swell to more than ten times their weight in belly filling liquids.

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This makes them incredibly satiating on fewer calories than nuts, allowing you to eat less while shedding fat.

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Squash Winter squashes like butternut and acorn make excellent low calorie, high volume veggie options to reduce belly fat intake. 

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