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Top Vegetables for Weight Loss

Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf

By John Fenster

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1. Spinach

Spinach, deemed a superfood, is rich in fiber as well as other nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate, iron, and calcium.

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2. Chickpeas

Vegans and vegetarians consume it frequently because it is a wonderful substitute for meat.

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3. Cabbage

You may have heard about the cabbage diet, but lettuce can actually be part of a nutritious diet on a regular basis.

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4. Radish

Radishes range in both size and hue from reddish purple to pristine white, and in form to short and around to long and narrow.

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5. Green beans

Green beans are not everyone's favored vegetable, but with a little imagination, they can be transformed into delicious side dishes.

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6. Celery

The majority of the plant's vitamin C, potassium, and calcium content is actually found in the foliage.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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