Unexpected Digestion Heroes: Discover Superfood Power

John Fenster

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Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that protect the brain, heart, and muscles. 


Multiple studies show blueberries improve cognition, memory and heart health. Phytochemicals may also slow growth rate of certain cancer cells.


Salmon provides anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA essential for optimal function of the heart, brain, joints and immune system.


 These healthy fats also help build and preserve metabolism-boosting muscle mass as men age. Salmon contains high quality protein for cells too.


Spinach offers a supercharged nutrient profile including antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that support eye health by protecting the macula from sunlight damage. 


It also provides energizing iron, bloat-reducing magnesium, Vitamins C, E, K, B6 and ample fiber for digestion.

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Broccoli In addition to nutrients like immune-strengthening vitamin C, chromium and folate.

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Broccoli contains unique compounds like sulforaphane believed to boost testosterone production in men while fighting cancer formation through removal of toxic.

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Beans Kidney, pinto, black and other varieties provide plant-based protein essential for building and repairing cells efficiently.

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