Weight Loss and Craving Control: Healthy Snacks

Avocados and Tomatoes: Combine avocados with tomatoes, which are low in calories but high in lycopene, a blood pressure-lowering antioxidant.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal comes in separate cups, making it a versatile snack option beyond breakfast. They also fill you up till supper.

Apples and Peanut Butter: Fruit is the best sweet snack. Apple and pear diets aid long-term weight loss.

Sweet Potato Toast: High water and fiber content in sweet potatoes reduce hunger. Add ricotta, salt, and pepper.

Egg on Whole Grain: For a classic touch, toast whole wheat. Add a hard-boiled egg for a full little dinner. 

Cottage Cheese: One 5.3-ounce cup has 16 grams of protein. Add tomatoes, avocado, and salt & pepper for a delicious delight.

4 DASH diet dessert ideas from a dietitian, which are easy, tasty, and heart-healthy